Afrocom NEWS

Côte d'Ivoire puts on sale a locally made phone adapted for Ivorians

Entrepreneur Alain Capo-Chichi has created the country's first locally made smartphone (factory located in Grand-Bassam) that aims to improve the availability of voice commands in local languages for users who cannot read or write.

The "Open G" smartphone can understand commands and respond in 16 of Côte d'Ivoire's approximately 60 spoken languages, such as Diola, Senufo, Dendi, Beté.

The Ivorian smartphone is controlled by an interface similar to voice applications such as Apple's Siri or Yandex's Alice.

The smartphone costs 36,000 CFA francs - about 3,500 roubles at current exchange rates.

Several thousand devices have already been sold.
2022-09-02 21:11