Afrocom NEWS

On June 29, Moscow will host a unique author's seminar by one of the leading economists of Russia

On June 29, Moscow will host a unique author's seminar by one of the leading economists of Russia, Minister for Integration of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, ex-adviser to the President - Sergey Yuryevich Glazyev!

Theme of the meeting: "Russian business in the new world economic order: effective strategies for advanced development during the global hybrid war."

The current crisis has not yet reached its full strength, but the risks for companies are already multiplying at a rapid pace. Including risks of loss of competitive advantages in the world of new technologies.

To help managers in making strategic decisions, Sergey Yuryevich will share a comprehensive view of the future of the Russian and world economy for the next 5-7 years (he will analyze global trends and analyze the potential of specific niches and areas).

The program also includes the key results of SPIEF 2023 and answers to the most pressing questions.
2023-06-29 15:21