Afrocom NEWS

International Forum SARUCOX-BRICS Alliance 2022 will be held in Durban from the1st to 9th of October

International Forum SARUCOX (SA - South Africa, RU - Russia, CO - cooperation, X - exhibitions) - BRICS Alliance (International Alliance of BRICS Strategic Projects) is an event which unites representatives of business, public organizations, government agencies, experts in various fields, media and the general public from Africa, the BRICS countries and the rest of the world.

Larisa Zelentsova, president of International Alliance of BRICS Strategic Projects, said that the business program of the event will be strengthened by new trends in global cooperation:

"It will be attended by representatives of the South African government and diplomatic missions of the BRICS countries. Already 17 African countries have announced their participation at a high level, as well as representatives of business, cultural and sport figures of BRICS countries and the African continent".

The main topics of the Forum are: maritime affairs, health, education, culture and sports. The conference will also address the following themes relevant in BRICS countries and Africa: nuclear medicine, telemedicine, energy and nuclear power, transport (railroads, air and sea transport), defense and security, medical equipment, pharmaceutical products and medical treatment, food security, business, sports and culture, banking and currency transactions, education, tourism (business, recreational, sports).
2022-08-29 21:16